Setting JoinType for walls

LocationCurve has JoinType property how to set it for walls?

Is it possible to set join type for walls using Revit API?

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Hi @zergg52,

There are already custom nodes to set the joins in the Genius Loci package.


Thanks, @Alban_de_Chasteigner

I borrowed the code from there :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @zergg52 …then remember to mark it as a solution


Hello, can you please provide me with a script that I can use to solve the task? I’m having trouble connecting the “nodes” in Dynamo so that it works!

Hello @Ozgur and welcome here…its best you make a new topic and show what you have tried…as the forum isnt a place for order finish graph without anything…show us what you have tried and where you are stock and im sure someone can help you :wink: