Set written and numerical values together to a parameter of multiple elements

Hi, I’m trying to set some values to a instance parameter of all windows in the project. The value consists in a prefix “W”, the Width parameter, a “x” to separete the numbers, the Height parameter, an “x” again and the Sill Height parameter (ex: “W 1200 x 1500 x 1100”).

The problem is when I try to join the numerical values of the dimensions “Width”, “Height” and “Sill Height” with the written values “W” and “x” (strings) in a same transposed list, one by one… I don’t know if I have to separate the numerical values or if I have to “replicate” the written values with the total amount of the numerical values, and I don’t know how to make it. I tried to transpose the list but it didn’t work. Does anyone know how to solve it? I took a screenshot of the nodes to make it more understandable.

btw I’m kinda new in Dynamo so I don’t know many variations of nodes yet.

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-05 at 23.40.08

Hello @araujo.daniel and welcome here…try something here…

it worked perfectly, thank you so much!