Looking into a way to set the style override for pipe crossings in profile view. Are there any nodes available for this or creative ways to use python? Ideally, the user would be able to select a profile view, see the pipes drawn in, and set style overrides for certain pipes that need to have a different style applied in the profile view. Any thoughts/recommendations appreciated.
Thanks for the reply! I have a couple of comments.
The python code that you attached looks like it only gets the pipes that currently have an override style in the profile view.
What I would like if to use the “Select Objects” node to select the profile views IN[0]. That node would be an input into the python node. A second user input for the python node would be a string for the pipe profile view crossing style IN[1]. A third user input for the python node would be a string for the pressure pipe profile view crossing style IN[2]. The python node would then return all of the crossing pipes for each view and set the override style to the two styles that were input.
Are these easy changes to the code that you linked above?