Set parameter with the same name to different value


I am trying to set parameters in dynamo.
But my element has several parameters with the same name. But i want both of them to get different values.

As you can see “Justification” exist two time in my list, on number 22 and 23
But somehow i can’t change the value of number 22.
How can i get that parameter to change?

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1 - unless one is an instance and the other is type, I suggest you rename the parameters.
2 - It’s a crappy solution and won’t necessarily work for every instance but you could just get item at index and use that parameter.

Hi try parameter.set.value instead and just feed in the parameter

1: I can’t rename one of them. Because both are Build in parameters
2: You mean like the screenshot?

@sovitek I tried that, but probably i do something wrong.

not sure but in your first image it should work as both justification parameter has value, but in your second image there are no value, dont know why it should always have a value i guess

I also dont know why there was nu value. But when i change the number in my code block to 2 it works fine.

Thanks guys it looks like its working fine.

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One’s end and one is beginning?
Can you write the full parameter name?

Is this for text?

The justification parameters are for the grid lines of a sloped glazing.

Yeah seems with dynamo we can make the value empty but not manuelly…here is the enums for 2024