I have a list of param names and a list of corresponding values. Is there a way to use one Element.SetParameterByName node to loop through these, matching the param name and value at each index?
Short answer: Yes, in fact that should be normal behavior for the node.
Can you provide a screenshot of what you’ve attempted so far?
That’s kinda what I thought, too. Just doesn’t seem to be working. Only the Designed By param is being set.
See the lower right of the image. I can see I have both lists and the index of each is aligned properly.
Look at your lacing and levels on the set parameter. I do something a bit more simplified but here is what mine looks like.
Interesting. Cross product lacing and levels did the trick.
I don’t get the levels yet. Aren’t these 1-level lists? It’s not a list of lists, it’s just one list. How would there be a level 2? Is level 1 the index and level 2 the value? That doesn’t really make sense either.
Anyway, it works. Thanks!
So levels a definitively a bit more confusing. But I will try to hopefully explain it. The above is at each element at L1 I am essentially calling the parameter and setting value of each parameter value at L2. The list at L2 contains 2 items each.
Auto Lacing
Shortest Lacing
Longest Lacing
Cross Product
So in this case I can do Longest or Cross product. This script is a older one so not sure why I landed on Cross vs Longest since they both get me to my result. On just has allot more levels in the lists.