Series on curve with dynamo

Series along a curve exists in Autocad. In Dynamo there is the translate script. How can you do it along a curve like in Autocad?

You can use the node point.atparameter and tangentatparameter to get the correct points and rotations

Create a repeater maybe an option

  1. Build or move the shape you want to place along the curve with the relationship to the origin you want it to have to points along the curve.
  2. Create coordinate systems along the curve - the Curve.CoordinateSystemAtParameter node is likely the simplest way to do this.
  3. Use a Geometry.Transform node to transform the geometry to the coordinate systems which were created on the curve.

Note that you can edit the coordinate systems as well, scaling them, rotating them, or otherwise editing them as desired. I did a live demo of this type of workflow in the community conversation last Thursday - video is here, and the demo starts at about 35 minutes: 09 - Computational Geometry: Geometry Modifications in Dynamo - YouTube



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