Curve/Arc from revit model line

Hi all, I’m trying to create a arc in dynamo by selecting a drawn model line in Revit. Any suggestions how I can do this. Thanks in advance. Regards

something like this







Thanks for that! it worked a treat. Is there a way of extracting the co-ordinates out of the brackets? What I’d like to do take the x and the y from the points and put them in the point by co-ordinate node. Then for the “Z” create some sort of function that increase the Z for each point. e.g. Increments of 150 say, so point 1 will have a Z of 150, point 2 will have a Z of 300 etc. See below.


I hope this makes sense.


Hi James

refer below.

I am just a Dynamo novice- there is quite possibly a better way to do this


Thanks for that. I’m using version 9. I can’t seem to find the Curves.Divide.Curve node anywhere, the one that outputs points . Do you know where I can find it? what version are you using


Hi James

that node is in Lunchbox & I am using v1.0.0.551

Note that dividing a curve is a geometric approximation and you can see it in very sharp corners on a spline. The below is close to a plan view

I guess it is the same geometric problem as: i.e it gets longer the more closely you measure it.



20160415 model line example