Selection Filter from Sections Views

You are right, but I also select views, as you did in your example above.
Or can you explain what I don’t understand…

@witalij.schmidt9Y9T5 again, your selection is made out of Views (In your case Section Views from the Project Browser), to get the right items in your saved selection, you need Elements (In your case Sections within a View(s)), the Python script you are using is collecting Section Views and not Section Elements.
Using Select Model Elements node directly from the View will solve the issue you are facing.

A BIG Dankeschön!!!
You have opened my eyes. :wink:
I have changed the script a bit and it works PERFECTLY.
I still have to create about 300 sections and that will help me a lot.
Another question
Do you know how to use dynamo to turn certain parameters on and off in certain views?
That would be great :slight_smile:

@witalij.schmidt9Y9T5 welcome, SetParameterByName With a value of 0/1 to deal with yes/no parameters type.
That being said, there are plenty of answers in the forum for your question.
If you do not find an answer, please create a new topic.

oh Sorry not paramenter, I already know SetParameterByName.
My question is also about turning on and off "Filter Visibility. I have searched very hard but found nothing.
thank you for your help in advance

Hello you should start a new topic as Elie said…but you can try something here from Rhytm…


None of them helped. Maybe because of “Selection Filter”. I’ll search a bit more or create a new topic
Thanks anyway