Select which topography to host the building pads creation in Dynamo

how to Select which topography to host the building pads creation in Dynamo?

I see some OOTB nodes and packages that create building pads by curves, building pad type, and level or height offset, but how can I choose the topography?

I got 2 same topography elements in same place, I create the pad and it cuts the topography that I do not want, I want to choose to intersect with the other topography, but Revit chooses the latest topography created, same with splitting or subdividing topographies in Revit.

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what do you mean creating the pad in other topography?

I got 2 same topography elements in same place, I create the pad and it cuts the topography that I do not want, I want to choose to intersect with the other topography

like this?

That tells you which is the host of every element, but how can I change the host of a building pad or choose it before creating it?

Can you show your graph? where are you struggling?

I do not have any graph, Revit creates a building pad over other different topography that I do not want, and I am looking if it is possible to fix with Dynamo but no idea

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