Select first a category of views, then select one view

Hi all -
I am trying to select one view, to which I will then apply certain actions. The “Views” node gives me a drop down list, which then gives a “View” output. The list of views is long and not in alphabetical order. Scrolling through to find the one view I want is tedious.
I would like to first have a way to select the view by type (elevation, ceiling, etc.), then from that shorter grouping, select one by a drop down list, which then gives me my single view to act upon. The “View Type” node lets me do the type, then I can get a list views with “View.GetByType”, but I can’t feed that into the “Views” node. So I am stuck.
Any nodes I am missing? Or at the very least how can I get that “Views” node (From Revit Selection nodes) to do alpha order?
I need the output to be a view or I guess it could be an element. But I need it to give me just one item.

Hi @CBroda,

Maybe you could try looking into the Data-Shapes package

Thanks. I’ll give that a look.

Working through a similar workflow today, this may help get you started:

RadioButtons -> Choose 1 from a given list.
Listview -> Choose as many as you want from a given list.

In your case, you’d actually want to reverse the steps: Give a Listview of the Viewtypes, then provide a RadioButton of the Views in that type.


Thanks. I’m going to need some time to try this. Maybe here is one of my confusions: if I end up getting a listing of items that fit a category, can that list be plugged into a node that requires a view? I see that sometimes lists end up as strings.
Another option I’m thinking of is to use a “name begins with” kind of node to extract. More exploring to do in the near future.

The short answer to your question would be “It depends”.
Some nodes accept lists of View elements. Some may require a ‘chopped’ list or specific sublist structure. Some will take a list of strings. You’ll have to check the input of the node, any documentation of the package you find online, and sometimes you may just have to try brute force to see which method is most applicable. I