Section Views- Align sections

Hello, I have to drag all sections one by one in order to aling the heads in a plan view. I wonder if it can be solved with dynamo.

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Can you post some screenshots to clearfy what your attention is? :slight_smile:


I am not OP, but pretty sure OP is (was) after this :point_down:.


This is an even older topic (saying it isn’t possible). Maybe things changed by now?

I ended up at these two topic wanting the same.

@oscar.aguilar ,

i would recoment attach you section to a scopebox




Again not OP here :wink:.

That may be the best approach, but sometimes that simply is not possible (anymore) because reasons.

As i understand the Head and Tail == Startpoint and Endpoint(?).
No way to change those per View? I know / noticed they are different per View when manually dragged.

@bvs1982 ,

at my knowlege not… … we also have this issue for grids…



For Grids we have sort of a Solution.
We make sure the Crop Regions are the same for each View and then i use
a .dyn i found in DynamoBIM forum (topic).