Hello, I’d really appreciate a hand here. This script is designed to read a family parameter, convert it to upper case, and stuff it back in. I had it working for a while but not reliably, and now it generates an unhandled exception error. I logged the issue to Github but the exception error is likely related to some improper use of Orchid Parameter.Setvalue. I’ve experimented with lacing but so far no luck. ME Family Parameter To Upper Case.dyn (48.8 KB)
(I have a couple of nodes in there where I am experimenting with flattening the data before it hits the .setvalue routine, presently not connected)
As far as i can tell your routine is designed to change family parameter names to upper case. This could be useful but not what I am trying to do. My script is designed to rename family parameter VALUES to upper case, for all family types. (set value for type parameters, default value for instance parameters). Sorry if I was not clear about this.
If you can give me some advice how to modify your python to do this instead I will be most grateful.
thank you!