Orchid Package Help

I am trying to set text font parameters in family and saved them in the directory. I am relying heavily on Orchid packages nodes but having no luck.

the Error message is telling

“Warning: FamilyDocument.SetParameterByName expects argument type(s) (Document, string, string, var), but was called with (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document, Autodesk.Revit.DB.FamilyType, string, string).”

I will post the screenshot of my graph.

@erfajo will you please help? I appreciate in advance!

Orchid Error.dyn (20.7 KB)

Wow @erfajo, Thank you for your fast reply!

I went through your comment and still having some warnings.

I took your advice and added the missing <<FamilyDocument.Name>> and <<FamilyDocument.CreateFamilyType>> but I guess I did something wrong agian :frowning: .

when I connected <<FamilyDocument.AllFamilyType>> with <<FamilyDocument.Name>>, FamilyDocument.Name node is showing

““Warning: FamilyDocument.Name operation failed.
Please run this command in a family document.””

And <<Family.Document.SetParameterByName>> node is showing,

““Warning: FamilyDocument.SetParameterByName operation failed.
The referenced object is not valid, possibly because it has been deleted from the database, or its creation was undone.””

After that, the <<Document.Close>> Node is showing

““Warning: Document.Close operation failed.””

and giving me duplicates of the .rfa in the directory.


I thought/wanted the .rfa will save/overwrite instead of creating duplicates.

Again I will upload my graph again but this one is under dynamo 1.3 .

And again I very appreciate your help! Thank you so much!!

Change fonts in Family.dyn (10.3 KB)

Not at all! @erfajo!

I see this method working really well! Life Savior!

Appreciate your help!! :grinning::grinning::grinning:

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hi everyone,
i want to do the exact same thing but somethings going wrong.
In my example, i have 2 famillys with 2 parameters.
And it’s seems that the script runs 2 times.
It’s maybe the lacing or something but i tried multiple combinaison and i can’t find the right.