Running .dyn file through another?


sorry for this question but i get no answer after searching for it through the internet or forums…
Is there a way to run a whole script through another, without custom nodes or python?


Hi Kevin…Orkestra could help you there is a tool called mediaplayer i think :wink: it can loop multiple graph…another thing could probably be birdtool or BVN exporter…all of them is free for that task

oh i see pyRevit also allows me to do the task :slight_smile:
in a more suitable way i think :smiley:
thank you for bringing me on that way :wink:


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Great didnt know pyrevit support that :wink: i like Orkestra ffor doin that…

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for looping tasks orkestra seems to be the tool to use. but i want to let the user operate tasks in an addon. pyRevit seems to be pretty simple for that use :slight_smile:

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arhhh i though you was after looping but think you are after a toolbar ? Orkestra support that as well… and its possible in pyrevit as well…or Nonica and others…if that the case i just like to use player and after the facelift in 2023 its great :wink:

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