Hi guys!
I’m trying to learn how to use the Roof.ByOutlineTypeandLevel but there is a little problem on my way:
I created a simple geometry in Dynamo in order to place the roof on it:
in Dynamo the analysis finishes well, but the roof doesn’t appear in Revit.
Could anyone enlighten me about this fact?
Thanks a lot to everybody
could you please share the graph picture as well?
It should be 10m x 10 m, but take in account that I was just trying to use the node, I wasn’t designing anything for real.
Anyway, does it show the roof on the Revit as well as in the Dynamo environment?
Thanks for the concern:)
Hey, no worries, yes even though I made it tiny, you can see on the right of my grab that it’s in Revit…
I presume that if you look at the output of your roof node you can see a roof?
You could use the numbers in green to select by ID in Revit? (Or use a node in Hot Gear package)
In the output of the node the ID appers and now the roof appears either in Revit and in Dynamo.
There is only one strange thing yet: when I set a view by level (the one I use in the Dynamo script) I can select the roof, while if I set a 3D view I’m not able to select the roof (infact there are only shown the blue lines of Dynamo)…
Anyway we are getting closer to the solution

Hmm… could you save the rvt for us? I can select it ok…
I tried to send you the Revit file but the system tells me the file is too large (5.50 MB)…Amen
(Maybe I’m not permitted to send large files because i’m a new entry of Dynamo bim)
Anyway don’t worry for me and thank you so much for the patience and the comitment
Try running the graph in a new file.
Just tried your hint but it’s always the same situation…I manage to see and select the roof when I’m in a level view, but not when I’m in 3D view…
Curious…very curious
Post that file - I’m now curious too.
Unfortunately I’m not able to post the Revit file
Maybe today it’s not a good day to handle technology for me
The a roof produced in a new Revit model is 500mb? Purge unused.
Ok, it looks like a good idea
I’ll let you know how it will ends
The OP stated 5.5mb
A quick purge should hopefully be enough, maybe a zip!
I tried to zip the file but the system told me the format isn’t supported.
I’ll purge the file: it seems to be the best way to proceed
I’ll let you know
DynamoBim_Fam.rvt (1.9 MB)
Purge done
(I didn’t know it existed a command like that well, i’m self taught
@Mark.Ackerley here it is the revit file
I went into my 3D view and turned on Roofs
Probably what you were seeing were the Dynamo Preview lines, not the actual roof…
Thanks Mark, you made my day