RIE package not working

Hello people:
I am trying to use these package in revit 2022 and it come with null values when a use the “RIE_CircuitsFromPanel”. Anyone else has these problem? i tried to update the package to the july version but it doesn’t work ether.
What i do with it is to see all the circuits at the same time so no need to check one by one every circuit path it’s ok after moving a Panel.
When i was using revit 2019, no problem but now is when we want to go back and we can’t because autodesk it’s awesome.

This is in no way a factor related to Autodesk, but due to the nature of databases in general. Moving from system A with N fields to system B with N+ fields means data would be lost in downgrade. In one example of the outcome of downgrades: text elements would cease to exist if you downgraded to 2016. Stairs would cease to be in 2015. And most parameter data would be lost in transition to 2021. For less frequently updated databases ‘downgrade’ routines can be written, but this just isn’t possible with something that changes as often as Revit.

As far as why that package doesn’t work, best to reach out to the package author and/or deconstruct the package. My guess is that the issue is with the API changes associated to unit types, which have impacted quite a few packages in the 2022 release.


There have been some changes / news features on Electrical Systems since Revit API 2021 including this one:


i did it by not using that node and instead doing like these!
i still hate the fact that every year with revit, new update, new categories on revit and puff all your dynamos are destroyed… next time for updating revit will be in a few years after all these task of migrating dynamos, packages etc…