Rhythym Viewport,LocationData - Erroring

I am using Rhythym Viewport,LocationData.

Getting an error, I have restarted Revit & Dynamo to no avail. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

We are starting to learn python (JUST started) but yet to be able to do this through python.

Revit 2019 | Dynamo 2.0.1

also please see python below:

import clr


import Revit


Import DocumentManager and TransactionManager


from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

Import RevitAPI


from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

assembly = UnwrapElement(IN[0])

OUT = assembly.BoundingBox[doc.ActiveView].ToProtoType()

We are going to need some screenshots or sample files to help better understand the issue.

Darn, John, just call me out haha. I meant to attach the screenshot. I have appended the original post. Thanks.


Where are these viewports obtained from? The active document or some background operation?

hmm, might need a sample RVT with at least 1 viewport that is doing this. I know that is a bit annoying, but that allows troubleshooting.

Will do when I get back to the office

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