Revit-Dynamo overall housing surface from 3 different parameters

Translated by moderator. See below the line for original post.

Good morning,

I’m looking to create a dynamo script to calculate the total surface area of ​​a home. For my particular case, my building is divided into Level, Elevator shaft (1 and 2) and apartment number. I therefore have several parameters grouped in the Parts category to integrate its data. I’ve followed several tutorials but still can’t come up with anything conclusive. being completely new to dynamo I get lost and don’t know what to use as a node to create the script which works well.
Could you help me? guide me?

Original post below


je cherche a créer un script dynamo pour calculer la surface totale d’un logement. Pour mon cas particulier mon immeuble est diviser en Niveau, en Cage ascenseur (1 et 2) et en numéro d’appartement. j’ai donc plusieurs paramètre regrouper dans la catégorie Pièces pour intégrer ses données. J’ai suivie plusieurs tuto mais n’arrive toujours pas a avoir quelque chose de concluant. étant complétement novice sur dynamo je me perds et ne sais quoi utiliser comme node pour faire realiser le script qui va bien.
Pourriez vous m’aider? me guider?

Welcome to the forum @juliette.gouraud7CR8

The official language here is English, which is a requirement to make search work or I would post entirely in Swedish. Please translate future posts in a manor similar to what I did in the edit of your original post, or stick to English for now. Thanks!