Revit assembly views dimensioning

I have 300+ assembly of precast panels in Revit.

I would like insert the view in sheet & dimension the views.

Dynamo is a good option I feel. But How to do it, can some one kindly guide me on this ?


Hello… try this one for place on sheet…for dimension i will suggest to take a look at Genius Loci package, there is a lot of nodes for dimension…


Thank you so much Søren. I am novice to Dynamo & I am not familiar with its terminologies. Can you please just me any good tutorial for a Quick start to understand your answers?

Thanks heaps.

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You are welcome…

Try to take a look here: and Dynamo Dictionary if you take a search here on this forum on assembly, there should come a lot of hits…Good luck /Søren


Thank you Soren. I will do that.

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