I am trying to run a dynamo program to Track Revision in Revit. The program is attached to this message with some screenshots to show my results. I have almost made it work but there is the UI.DropDown Data that I cannot make it work. Can someone see something I am missing? thanks you in advance!
I cant open the file for some reason, just crashes my Revit. I’d test out the below but I’m sure someone much more talented on here will have the answer
Hi @JCoronado, your ui.dropdown nodes have light gray title bars, meaning they are lacking default value activation. You can right click on all the inputs of those nodes and make sure that default values are activated. If you download the latest version of the data-shapes package (2019.2.14), you’ll get the view extension that automatically detects this issue and solves it for you.
Hi @Mostafa_El_Ayoubi, Thank you for replying. I have uninstalled the old version I had and installed the latest. I still cannot change the tittle bars, perhaps I am not sure I understand how to do what youre suggesting
That specific error is because you don’t have an input for List.Contains so there is no mask being created. See how the title of List.Contains is still grey?