I am sorting some elements along a reference curve. I use PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves to join curves from Revit elements to get the reference curve. Since the direction of the curve maters, I join both origin polycurve and a reversed polycurve for following steps in my script.
So, the script I wrote used to work well, See image 1.
But sometimes the PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves failed with different input, default tolerance 0.001 used. See image 2.
With same input as image 2, I tried a larger tolerance, 1 (my Revit project units is mm), the curves joined, but the Curve.Reverse don’t work. Error message mentioned there is more than one WIRE in PolyCurve. See image 3.
I would like to know how to fix this or is there a better way to do such things?
Thank you.