I have multiple poly curves. I want make all those into only one poly curve and I am trying to use curve,join node but it is not working. So please let me know how to do this ?
what is behind the shown node ? we need to see the structure of feeding list.
Hi @ingenieroahmad PFA of feeding list as snipped below.
Hello could you show element curves…probably you just need a flattern before polycurve join
Hi @sovitek if I use flatten node then PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves will fail
It fails. I have tried it before. So you are telling me to sort in right sequence. What does it mean ? I am not getting your point
Get a point in the middle of each curve before join and sort by key then join.
Yes thanks but it generates multiple poly curves from curves. I dont want that. I want to have only one poly curves joined from multiple curves.
could you share your files
I have taken all the mid points but not able to sort it out by key. Can you please tell me how it could be done ?
feed the key by Point.X
@ingenieroahmad Its done but how to join poly curves ? By doing this only we get the sorted list.
join the sorted list of curves out of sortkey node.
Please supply your .dyn-file and a sample Revit file.
It would benefit us all
Sort order should be irrelevant.
What is the error produced when you do the flatten method?
try to sort the nurbscurve out the list…anyway so long you dont share your files everything its just guess