Reset Crop View To Rectangle Shape

Hello everyone,

Today, I am trying to use Modplus Tool to copy crop extents to multiple views. However, I have figured out that it does not work with views, which not having current rectangle shape crop. My crop view looks like this.
I have tried to select multiple views and apply scope box to reset the shape but the scopebox is grey out for these views also.
Does anyone have an idea how to reset the crop extent to rectangle shape?
Thank you in advance for your help

Just spitballing an idea: Iā€™m assuming the view is cropped in such a was for a reason. Therefore, would it be more prudent to generate the new crop regions in the same form?

You can use the Views.GetCropBox node from the Crumple package to retreive the curves of the desired crop box, and set the crop box of the target views to these curves?

Alternatively, try the View ResetCropBox node in the Genius Loci package

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