[Request for Feedback] Graph Node Status/Manager Extension

I like 1 as it has text (so you don’t have to learn more stuff right away). Dynamo is daunting enough for a beginner without having a load more stuff to learn. Yeah, the symbols may be fairly obvious but not as obvious as text… Option one also has symbols, both are better than either/ or imo.

I do like the columns in option 2 though…

Whatever you go for, it needs a moose symbol somewhere :slight_smile:

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Maybe a predicticted time for the run-time of a graph would be nice to have
Just for Sandbox of course

Agreed :100: % @Alien - We very much want it to be immediately understandable to all users who want to use it. If we opt for the icons, we’ll have hover tooltips on them explaining what they are and/or a legend.

@Marcel_Rijsmus this would be awesome, but unfortunately we cannot predict a graph run time based on the nodes in a graph without Dynamo understanding the data actually passing through them… which requires a run :frowning:

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Maybe the option to create a viewpoint within the Dynamo Geometry view mode and have some perspective would make the list.
Analog to the Camera view in Revit

Great suggestions in general! But beyond the scope of this particular extension :slight_smile: We’ve talked about them before and have them in our backlog for future work already.

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Mostly 2 for the rounded edges and aligned columns
but with flavors of 4 for the color coding