Replace Family Parameters with shared parameters

To add to this I can see forgetypeIds are going to be on my radar so I bit the bullet and figured out how to get specs/groups by name. Much easier than I thought, I quite like them now vs the old method - targeting the human friendly name is great.

# Boilerplate text
import clr

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager 

import Autodesk 
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

# Current doc/app/ui
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

# Preparing input from dynamo to revit
specs_get  = IN[0]
groups_get = IN[1]

# Get forgetypeids and names
spec_ids   = SpecUtils.GetAllSpecs()
spec_names = [LabelUtils.GetLabelForSpec(s) for s in spec_ids]

# Get grouptypeIds and names
group_ids = ParameterUtils.GetAllBuiltInGroups()
group_names = [LabelUtils.GetLabelForGroup(g) for g in group_ids]

# Function: Return element by name match
def element_byNameMatch(n, elements, names):
    if n in names:
        ind = names.index(n)
        return elements[ind]
        return None

# Return forgetypeIds
OUT = [ [element_byNameMatch(n, spec_ids, spec_names) for n in specs_get],\
        [element_byNameMatch(n, group_ids, group_names) for n in groups_get] ]

Get forgetypes by name.dyn (6.4 KB)