Adding parameters to shared parmeter file

Hi there,
I have to rename every shared parameters to a new name with out loosing data in the Revit family. I have gone through 2 video by Aussie BIM Guru and tried to make a new workflow from it.
Replace Family Parameters using Dynamo!
Create a Shared Parameters File using Dynamo!

My work flow is to take all the information about shared parameters in current family document and create a shared parameter txt file from it. Later we can replace old parameters with new ones as said in the video about " Replace Family Parameters using Dynamo!" . But unfortunately its not working. It says my parameter type has some invalid argument. I have tried using a “List.Combine” node but not worked that one too. any body please help?I am using Revit 2021. Thanks in advance.
00Revit_Dynamo_Family_Parameter_creation.dyn (57.1 KB)

Type from is returning the value of the parameter. sharedparameter.create is expecting a string.

Your script image posted doesn’t match your script you supplied. Try to make sure you script matches your screen shots so we can see what you plugged in from where.

There is no easy way to do this workflow, although some steps are automateable to some degree.

I will have an updated workflow on the channel on 17th April (2 weeks time) that effectively uses this script set I built here:

Some limitations of note:

  1. If a parameter is used in an arrayed element and associated at instance level, the parameter will not replace. This is a revit limitation (and prevents parameter placement manually also).
  2. The script does not deal with parameters in nested families. Could be possible but would be a massive undertaking and not one I will derive any value from personally, so not interested in making it. It also ties into the last limit…
  3. If you replace parameters then reload a nested family, all associations will be lost at that level. Associations can be made using Revit API, but there would simply be way too many places to look for them feasibly I think to automate recreating them all

Generally I recommend against full parameter rehauls where possible, especially if its ‘how can we take a set of content with a prefix, and make it our prefix instead’. I literally disclaim my own revit content with this limitation of non automateable complete rebranding (I use BG_ in all my shared params) for these reasons. Also prevents competitors from lowballing me and stealing/rebranding my content, and helps that these types are generally lazy and not capable of automation as a result of that too.

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