Pretty new still to Dynamo. I am moving the values in one parameter field to a different parameter field. This is working. However, I also need to replace all the blank values in the original field with a custom value in the new field. I am trying to use List.ReplaceEmptyLists, but that does not seem to be working. Would appreciate any help.
You can check the list if the value is blank, then use that true false list to filter your original list.
Thanks bmsewell. So I filtered the list as you suggested and that works. However, now when I go to set the parameter by name it is giving me an error. I feel it is because I am not defining the Element properly. I think I need to pull the elements and the values from the two lists independently but no sure how to filter to do that. Thanks.
Dear erfajo,
I am a total beginner with code therefore I am a bit in trouble trying to use the code for replacing list. I did manage to use the Cleanlist code but I can’t figure out the issue with the replacelist… Could you give me a hint ? I believe it is quite simple and I am just not using it properly…
Also I coulnd’t find your package on dynamo packages.
Thank you for your help