Rename System Families and Types

if you are comfortable with python you can use the ‘filtered element collector’ to get the element ids for system family types, then pass that to clockwork’s Element.SetName

formatting is slightly different when using python from string

import clr

from Autodesk.Revit.DB import \\
Element, FilteredElementCollector, BuiltInCategory,\\
CeilingType, FillPatternElement, FilledRegionType, FloorType,\\
GraphicsStyleType, RoofType, WallType
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Architecture import \\
HandRailType, RailingType, StairsType, TopRailType
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
fec = FilteredElementCollector

ceilings = fec(doc).OfClass(CeilingType).ToElements()
fillpatterns = fec(doc).OfClass(FillPatternElement).ToElements()
filledregions = fec(doc).OfClass(FilledRegionType).ToElements()
floors = fec(doc).OfClass(FloorType).ToElements()
handrails = fec(doc).OfClass(HandRailType).ToElements()
railings = fec(doc).OfClass(RailingType).ToElements()
roofs = fec(doc).OfClass(RoofType).ToElements()
stairs = fec(doc).OfClass(StairsType).ToElements()
toprails = fec(doc).OfClass(TopRailType).ToElements()
walls = fec(doc).OfClass(WallType).ToElements()

elem_types = ceilings, fillpatterns, filledregions, floors, handrails, railings, roofs, stairs, toprails, walls

ceiling_names = [Element.Name.__get__(i) for i in ceilings]
fillpattern_names = [Element.Name.__get__(i) for i in fillpatterns]
filledregion_names = [Element.Name.__get__(i) for i in filledregions]
floor_names = [Element.Name.__get__(i) for i in floors]
handrail_names = [Element.Name.__get__(i) for i in handrails]
railing_names = [Element.Name.__get__(i) for i in railings]
roof_names = [Element.Name.__get__(i) for i in roofs]
stair_names = [Element.Name.__get__(i) for i in stairs]
toprail_names = [Element.Name.__get__(i) for i in toprails]
wall_names = [Element.Name.__get__(i) for i in walls]

elem_names = ceiling_names, fillpattern_names, filledregion_names, floor_names, handrail_names, railing_names, roof_names, stair_names, toprail_names, wall_names

OUT = elem_types, elem_names