Rename Piping System with Excel

I am going to rename my piping system type name by Excel. My step show as below:

  1. Export piping system data to Excel (Finish)
  2. Fill the New name for piping system by Excel(Finish)
  3. Import Excel by dynamo (In progress)
    3.1. Import Excel(Finish)
    3.2. Get necessary Data(Finish)
    3.3. Match Data by ElementID(In trouble)
    3.4. Set new name by Excel(Stuck by step 3.3)

I search posts about “get element by ID” or “import Excel” , still can’t fix the problem.

Import Excel List .dyn (24.5 KB)

I tried a method by GavinCrump, but it seems not work.
Is it because of “Piping System” is System Families not Loadable Families?

It looks like you’re not passing strings into the ‘string to number’ node.
What is the error that node puts out?

After I remove the node,the result is incorrect:

Are you sure those numbers are in the original list?

Hello @sb1102222 have you tried roundnumber or ceiling so you are sure both elementid is interger

I should change to Element Types rather than Categories,but the result is incorrect too

could you add two ‘object types’ nodes as @sovitek suggested?

So we can see what object types you’re feeding in both inputs of the index of node

Thank you so much, I don’t know this node can change Double to Num.It is helpful.
However, I am facing a problem here. The “Type Name” Parameter is read-only, I can’t write it.

You are right, the problem is object type!

Hello if you want to rename your pipesystem type name something should work…

Solved! Thank you!

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I have a new problem about this topic. Now,I am using this script to rename Annotation Symbols Family Name, but what I change is Type Name.
I tried SetparameterbyName,it is not work.
Do you have any advices to solve it?