Reload All Images?

Hoping that maybe this is possible using dynamo + python (or any combo really). I have a project where there is roughly 10 or so images imported into the Revit file as background information for an as-built condition. Occasionally there is a need to reload these images (ie. someone modifies the image to be better read, brightness/contrast etc). It’s a a bit cumbersome to reload each of these 10 images manually one at a time.

I found this thread;

Where there was a reload portion but that reload portion specified a specific file path and reloaded 1 file. Is is possible to specify a specific folder and have Dynamo/Python reload all images at that folder?


Hello Chris!
I added some loops to the code in the thread you linked to. Looks like it’s working, but you have to click on a couple of images before the changes are reflected in Revit. I tried to add doc.Regenerate() to the end, but it had no effect.

    #Modification of code from
    import clr
    from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

    import Revit

    import RevitServices
    from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
    from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

    doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

    #Converting input from Dynamo to Revit
    filePaths = IN[0]

    #Isolating filenames
    fileNames = []
    for path in filePaths:
    	tempName = path.split('\\')

    #Selecting images
    imgs = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_RasterImages).WhereElementIsElementType().ToElements()

    reloadedFiles = []

    #Reload images in a transaction

    for fileName in fileNames:
    	for i in imgs:
    		imageName = i.ToDSType(True).Name
    		if  imageName == fileName:


    OUT = reloadedFiles

Wow!! thanks works like a charm and helps me looking at the code to understand what I was missing in my own failed attempts.

Thanks again!

Well it was working well until I used a network location (enabled worksets) and then it went to crap lol. (central file is on a network (P Drive)and my local is on my local drive (D Drive))It looks like it is singling out just 1 jpg and i cannot tell why?. I am guessing it is with the split string but since I am a python novice it is got me lost.

Thanks in advance for the help

the node “Directory.Contents” of which package is .??

It’s a obsolete package from clockwork. I don’t think you can get it anymore

I found a python script substitute which produced an accurate list here All Directory Contents

However my new problem is that the python script einar posted only seems to reload the first ten images. Not sure if it’s because of the filename or what.

Best to start a new topic here, as this is 6+ years old at this point, and things have changed quite a bit since Revit 2015 (which would have been relevant when this was originally posted).

Be sure to post what you’re after (reloading all images, or just a selected few, or both?) and what sort of environment you’re in (Revit version, image paths being local or network or cloud, etc.)