REGEX Subn and replacing with RE.IGNORECASE fails

cannot figure what I am doing wrong. Regex nodes are identical… CH and ch should produce sane SUBn results but dont.
Dynamo 1.3.2 or 1.3.1

Figured it out - code is touchy… for the SUBN above:
import re			##Import for re or Regular Expressions
###INPUTS (Two Inputs- 0 and 1- ad inputs to python node to correspond with th [+] button)
StrList=IN[0]		##Simple list of items to match
regexPatt=IN[1]	##Regexp string to match 
					##see "Regular expressions in dynamo" and 
					## for regular expressions 101 testing
RegExpSub=IN[2]	##Regexp substitution from IN[2]
Outlist = []		##Outlist TRUE if match is find for each item in list
###Initialize Regexp

###The actual RegExp compare for each item in the list
for item in StrList: ## For each item in the list run a match 
	compile = re.compile( regexPatt, flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE)
	result= re.subn  (regexPatt, RegExpSub, item, count=0)[0]
	Outlist.append (result)
	##If match is not NONE then it is a match (true) - else (false)- append that to the list for each item

OUT=Outlist		##Set output to results

And I was quite happy and surprised this codeblock worked to pre/suffix lists:
import re			##Import for re or Regular Expressions
StrList=IN[0]		##Simple list of items to match
regexPatt=IN[1]		##Regex list of string patterns to return as match T/F 
					##see "Regular expressions in dynamo" and 
					## for regular expressions 101 testing (Python)
Found=[]		##found T/F

###The actual RegExp compare for each item in the list
for item in StrList: ## For each item in the list run a match 
	for rs in regexPatt:
		##Search for pattern
		result=  (rs,item, flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE)
		##If returns more than nothing it found something...
		##Use ^ for start of string and $ for end for 
		#exact matches in pattern :: reMatch="^" + rexList + "$";
		if result is not None:
			xfound=True   ##Pass to outer loop to record a FOUND 'TRUE' value
	if xfound==False:		## If nothing was found  then return false
	else:					##Otherwise return true!

OUT=Found		##Set output to results