Hallo, how do you replace a list of the text in Dynamo ?
I’ve tried many different ways to understand the logic of list “@L1, @L2, @L3” in Dynamo, but I can’t.
Would you give some advices ?
You can’t replace multiple substrings at once like that. You would have to replace each one individually or write something in Python.
a solution with a python dictionary
out = []
dictRep = dict(zip(IN[1], IN[2]))
for valueTxt in IN[0]:
checkeyLst = [ _key for _key in dictRep.keys() if _key in valueTxt]
if len(checkeyLst) > 0:
out.append(valueTxt.replace(checkeyLst[0], dictRep.get(checkeyLst[0])))
OUT = out
A Dynamo Dictionary solution…
replaceStrings.dyn (17.5 KB)
a = List.SetDifference(lst1,lst2);
b = List.Flatten([lst2,a],-1);
c = List.Flatten([lst3,a],-1);
d = Dictionary.ByKeysValues(b,c);
e = d.ValueAtKey(lst1);
Yes, I made the replace for the first text error. But then I found a second one, the third, the fourth…Then I told myself, it’s not going to work in the future because I may have 20 or even more texts to replace.
the Clockwork Package has a node that does exactly this: String.ReplaceMultiple
in my case it replaced part of the text but not all the searchs in the list for same item, so what happens if the search text there are 3 items and in the item to replace there are those 3 items to replace? in this case only one of the search list is replaced in the original string item
This method should replace all matched in a string unpess you provide the count argument which is optional.
You can just run each replacement through a loop over each string to replace many times.
so based on your useful link, it says it is possible to add a comma with a number in text replace function so, I modified the code adding",2" but I have to write again same replace function to replace everything I need
it works very well, love it, so smooth.
I was thinking if would be more convinient to have a code of function definition (def) so if that replacement function needs to be performed more times, then less code lines