Re-Loading updated Family from folder to project file (.RVT)

Hi All,
I have created a dynamo script for reloading the updated RFA from the folder to the project file where the RFA has the same name as the updated RFA placed in the folder. But while running the script RFA is loading into the project file but it is not replacing the family which is already present in the project file. instead, it is creating a new one. can any one help me to fix this?

Hello @rajendra.ganesh you will need something here for override families in projects…clockworks node dont override exist family only load new…try as here from genius loci

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and what i sometimes do and probably faster…just drag and drop the families into project

Thanks @sovitek for the response,
Yes drag and drop will be faster. but in my case, I have more than 100+ updated RFA in my folder and want to load all of them to the project file.

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then try what i show in the link post with genius loci load family node…or this one here from Crumple, havent tried that one before but worth to check :wink:

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It’s odd that the families arent overwriting if they have the same name. Usually this event triggers an update.

My node should work, generally, and provides the IFamilyLoadOptions interface options as well which add more overwrite options to the process (and prevents the reload dialogue coming up).

It need IronPython package to run, as indicated by the icon I put on crumple nodes needing this (interfaces do not work in CPython3).

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yeah and guess the same for genius loci :wink:

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Hi @sovitek This works for my requirement. Thank you :smiling_face:

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