I have tried to recreate @john_pierson graph to randomly delete curtain grids across a wall. I can collect all the vertical grids, get their curves, but when I try to plug these into the Delete Grids not I error out with all null values.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
@BenDoty_LMN, you need to explode the poly curve to obtain the individual curve segments
I have tried PoflyCurve.Curve, Geometry.Explode and Curves.DeconstructPolyCurves nodes but with no luck. All of the error messages are the same.
Is there a specific node I should be using, or am I plugging it in at the wrong location.
Can you share a graph and sample file?
Please see the attached
CWGridRandom_01.dyn (34.6 KB)
And a link to the .RVT file ShareFile
Thanks for looking at this.
Here is a revised DYN. The explode was in the wrong place and the remove needs curves not DisplayGeometry.
What I added is in blue
CWGridRandom_01.dyn (34.9 KB)