Raise Floor points to match Toposolid


I’m trying to get floor points to raise to match a toposolid in Revit 2024 in a similar manner to how you could with topography in older versions using the Landform SlabShape.ByPoints node using the subregion method. This does not work with the new toposolid.

I’ve tried extracting the faces from the toposolid, then used surface point at parameter to give me points. I’ve then extracted the floor sketch and have projected it onto the surface created from the toposolid and used point at parameter to give me points at the correct height around the floor perimeter. This works.

After this recreated the toposolid points at the same XY coordinate but with a Z coordinate matching the original planar floor sketch. I’ve then converted the floor sketch to a polygon. I’ve added a containment test so I can obtain only the points inside the floor sketch. My Revit freezes when I run the containment test.

Is the geometry just too much for the containment test? Is the process I’m following the best one? I’ve attached a copy of my graph. Any insights on this would be greatly appreciated
Toposolid_edit.dyn (56.8 KB)

Hi @ross!

Try to use Solid and vertical lines from your points. Or generate solids from point. Next try Bimorph package, Element.IntersectsSolid or Curve.SolidIntersection or BoundingBox.GetElementsIntersect, It will be much faster. Than use that filtered data as input in your Polygon contaiment test with @@L2. It’ll be much faster.
Keep in touch, we’ll solve it!

Bimorph Nodes Curve.SolidIntersection | Dynamo BIM