Toposolid points

Hello everyone,
I’ve been trying to extract topopoints, but since revit2024 is using toposolids now, dynamo (or atleast for myself) is not recognizing the toposolid as a topography to use with topopoints.
What is your solution.
Also, since toposolids are not sliced ( as previously in toposurfaces), and are subregioned, is it possible to extract points of that exact subregion of the toposolid.

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It seems the dynamo node only accepts old style topography - I would use a little bit of Python.

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For the Subdivisons, you need a bit more.

import clr

# Import RevitAPI
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

# Import DocumentManager and TransactionManager
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

doc =  DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

output = []

profile = doc.GetElement(UnwrapElement(topo).SketchId).Profile

for obj in profile[0]:
OUT = output

But somebody probably made a package to do this already I suppose :wink:
TopoSubDivision.dyn (4.8 KB)

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