Question: Extend level size created by dyanmo rather than manually going in Revit and using grips

As I am new user here I cannot insert picures, will try best to explain. How to Extend level so that I can cover whole building in it. If I create a level it comes with a specific size/Area only which then I have to manually go in Revit and extend the grips to cover the building or match other levels.

I can’t help you with your Dynamo question but wouldn’t extending the level with a scopebox in Revit do exacty what you’re looking for?

I am not aware of a node to do this, and while I do prefer scope boxes if you need it here is what I believe to be the API method you need:

Thank you Jacob for sharing, currently using APIs is beyond my knowledge so I cannot use it at the moment.

Yes that can help as well but still I am not sure how to implement it in Dynamo, to be more ellaborate , I want the newly created level using Dynamo to match other levels.

Good time to learn then - start in the Dynamo primer as there is a section on Python there.

Once done with that try building this out, and if you need more specifics reach out here with what you tried.

Thanks for sharing!