Quad division of points using Dynamo design script

Hi guys.

I want to divide a list structure that’s 5 lists of 10 points, into a list of quad divisions (for eventual paneling of adaptive family components).

I know there are Dynamo packages that does that, but I want to try to do it in the code block manually.

The attached screenshot are only some proof of concept, but I seem to have stumbled upon some issues with trying to call sub-lists within lists in a enumerated list.

Any help and pointers is appreciated.

From process of elimination, there’s a problem with List.IndexOf.

But I don’t know how to get the index of the sub-list of listA.
I also don’t understand how the node works. why does it return -1 for other parts of the list.

Is there another way of getting the index of the sub-list in a multi-tiered list structure in design script?

Hi @harry_zhao probably something here with ootb nodes

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