Python: Trying to get all family types in all families into one list, is that possible?

Just like the title, I can get all elements by category or by Family Instance or by Family Symbol, but is there a way to get all of the family types in the project. I’m also not trying to get the ones modelled as elements in the project. Basically we have a template with all families imported and my goal is to check and change the prefix of all the families, but I can’t seem to select all the family types.

There are quite a few ways of getting what you want.

This is one possible way.


With a python node

import clr

from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager 

from Autodesk.Revit.DB import FamilySymbol, FilteredElementCollector

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

OUT = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(FamilySymbol).ToElements()

@Mike.Buttery @pyXam Thank you both for the input, I was already getting the FamilySymbols before, but it seems like I wasn’t as clear in my question. I want to rename all family types and things like this Segmented Bend / Tee is obviously renamable, but it doesn’t show up when I try both your methods. I’m guessing this will turn out to be more of an educational instruction on why I can’t grab these family types while I’m able to grab other family types, than it being a direct solution to include these types as well:

If you want to get all ElementType elements that can be renamed you can use this code

import clr
from System import Enum

from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

from Autodesk.Revit.DB import (

def flatten(x):
    out = []
    for i in x:
    return out

def get_elementtype_name(et, typeid):
    fn, tn = et.FamilyName, et.GetParameter(typeid).AsValueString()
    if fn:
        if tn:
            return f"{fn}: {tn}"
        return fn
    return tn

def fec(bic):
    return (

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

typeid = ParameterUtils.GetParameterTypeId(BuiltInParameter.SYMBOL_NAME_PARAM)

bics = Enum.GetValues(BuiltInCategory)

elem_types = flatten(filter(None, [fec(bic) for bic in bics]))

# remove duplicates with dict comprehension
elem_types = {et.Id.ToString(): et for et in elem_types}

OUT = sorted(
        (get_elementtype_name(et, typeid), et)
        for et in elem_types.values()
        if et.CanBeRenamed
    key=lambda n: n[0],
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Going to copy paste something I said to someone the other day which sounds like exactly what you need also:

Whilst this is definitely possible with Dynamo, I would recommend you check out the free plugin by DiRoots called “Family Reviser” (found here ).

I have used it a lot to find & replace family names across an entire library of families with the dropdown option for system families also. You can also save and export them from here, it really is a great tool.

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