Python Script (Reflected Property)

Hi everyone,

Could someone help me to understand why I’m having this output while trying to simply retrieve the start point of the curve?


change this:

for curve in curvelist:

to this:

for curve in curvelist:

The way you currently have it, you are trying to get the StartPoint property of the Curve class (from the ProtoGeometry library) rather than that of an instance of a Curve.


Thanks for explanation, @cgartland. This was an easy fix, I guess.

Since everything is case sensitive, I need to pay more attention next time.

BTW, how to retrieve X, Y or Z coord in this case? Do I need to do one more loop? Thx

Assign your start point to a variable and then access its X, Y, and Z properties separately:

for curve in curvelist:
    start_point = curve.StartPoint
    x = start_point.X
    y = start_point.Y
    z = start_point.Z
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Works fine, but the output is only 1 x value, not the values of the entire list. Where is the trick?

curves = IN[0]

# Place your code below this line
output = []

for curvelist in curves:
	templst = []
	for curve in curvelist:
		start_point = curve.StartPoint
    		x = start_point.X
    		y = start_point.Y
    		z = start_point.Z
# Assign your output to the OUT variable.
OUT = templst

Stupid mistake.

Just moved the templist.append(x) to the right.

Anyways, you saved me some time. Cheers!

No problem. Just a heads up–you will need to indent your output list as well, otherwise it will only contain the last templst.

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