Python Script in Dynamo for Solving Nonlinear equation systems


I need to solve a nonlinear equation system in dynamo. I found some ways to solve them with python but I am struggling with using them in dynamo.

So following this link will show some ideas how to solve them in python. So my question is if it’s possible to import such scripts in dynamo with the python script block? I obviously tried to copy and paste but I think the requiered libararies are not available in dynamo.
Is there any way to make scripts like that work in dynamo?

This will be possible with the introduction of Dynamo 2.7, as we will be able to use CPython 3.7 or newer, as per this thread :slight_smile:


So there is no way to do it with IronPython 2.7.?
So what exactly will change with CPython 3.7 in this case? Will the needed libraries be already included?
Thanks for your help!

We arent able to use Cpython based libraries (Numpy, Pandas, Scipy etc.) with IronPython, so yeah, we’re limited in that respect.

I don’t think they will be included, but we will probably be able to import them if they are installed :slight_smile:

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So is there maybe another way you could think of for solving nonlinear equation systems?

Sorry mate, not my area of expertise :wink:

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Not something I know anything about, but seems like this might help


there is also this method to add somes Packages


This is indeed the current officially supported way of installing Python 3 packages :slight_smile:

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I’ve changed the solution to @c.poupin’s post :slight_smile: