I’m writing some Python code which will process Elevation Markers, as as part of that it will move and rotate.
To rotate the marker I need to obtain the markers location via:
elevmark = UnwrapElement(IN[0]) - this is a Dynamo node selecting the marker.
elevmarkloc = elevmark.Location
This returns: Autodesk.Revit.DB.Location
But I cant see how I can obtain an XYZ from that - the API help does not list any method or property for obtaining this…
Is there anyway I can get this?
Try elevmarkloc.Point
or elevmarkloc.Point.ToPoint()
if you need a Dynamo Point
Point is a property of the LocationPoint class: http://revitapisearch.com/html/e1071a1b-b98e-5875-2e13-b673e2b9fef6.htm
elevmark.Location returns an Autodesk.Revit.DB.Location object, this does not have any methods or properties such as Point or ToPoint… and so I cant do what you suggest…
The Location class only contains: Dispose, Equals, GetHashCode, GetType, Move, Rotate, ToString and IsReadOnly - not very much…
None of which seem to return its XYZ location.
Location marks doesn’t seem to have any available properties that describes its location:
Yea - thats what I found.
So how do you work out the position of an ElevationMarker? I’ve a routine which has placed some but I now need to rotate it to the correct angle…?
You can easily rotate it wiith ElementTransformUtils.RotateElement , but it’s difficult to figure out the correct axis of rotation without the location point of the ElevationMarker.
Yes, that exactly why I’m trying to obtain the location! I intend to use ElementTransformUtils…
What if you use the origin of the associated view? Looks like they match up pretty close.
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import Revit
element = UnwrapElement(IN[0])
OUT = element.Origin.ToPoint()
OK, thanks,but I’m looking to keep the whole thing in Python as I will eventually convert it into C#… So far all of my routine is in Python.
I can’t see any way of getting from (or converting) an ElementMarker class object to an Element class object in Python…
There seems to be very little you can do with a ElementMarker.
I appreciate your help.
Hi Kevin,
Have another look at the API, there seem to be quite a few things that you can do with an elevation marker. For example:
I have the same issue trying to get the location point of ceilings, all I have is Autodesk.Revit.DB.Location, but methods or attributes like Point, ToPoint, Toxyz, etc. don’t work. Any idea?
February 6, 2019, 8:50am
please start a new topic and refer to this one if needed.
Don’t revive a 3year old topic.