Publishing a package from Dynamo 3 empties the dyf folder

Hey all !

I’m having a strange issue where publishing my package through the package manager in Revit 2025 - Dynamo 3 empties the dyf folder of the package.

I’ve had this happen consistently. Here are the steps :

I’ve also tried clicking the “edit” and “add folder” features to point at the dyn folder but it didn’t seem to make any difference.

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

PS : i went back to Dynamo 2.16 and the publishing went well :smiley:

Can confirm same thing happened to me in various versions. I tend to keep a backup to the side whenever publishing. Not sure if youre getting this before upload though and it uploads nothing?

I wonder if the intent is its like grasshopper consuming packages? Cute if so but yep not ideal.

Not sure if youre getting this before upload though and it uploads nothing

I checked its state right before hitting “Publish Online” and also right after. It was there before, and not there anymore after. But since the version that ends up in the package manager is empty, I guess it empties the folder then uploads it :man_shrugging:

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