I’m trying to load property set definitions from JSON files.
I’m using the AutoCAD_Python_PSet_CREATE_PropertySetDefinitionsByJSON.dyn ,
But this does not seem to include the ‘source’ of the property definition.
In my example this is pointing to a list definition.
I tried adding this to the pset_utils to add in the ‘Source’, but that did not work.
How can I get the ‘Source’ to come along?
@ErDeWe welcome to the forum. The Source derives from a List. The first version of the Python file I’ve shared with the product team did not include this capability. Did you use the more recent one I’ve shared on the forum?
Thank you Paolo for your response
I tried with the one you shared here:
I see in the code indeed has List functionality added but unfortunately I cant get it to run,
I tried using this one to make the json dump firtst, but I get a ModuleNotFound error.
It will have to be tweaked to be compatible with CPython, it is a known issues, some of the Python syntax that used to work in IronPython is not compatible with CPython, fyi @Michael_Kirschner2
Oke, thanks for that info
Thanks you for your help on this so far.
I got the dump dyn to work with switching to CPython, and that give me a json with the lists.
But if I try the create from json dyn with this the lists are not being made and the ‘Source’ in style manager is empty.
If I test the utils code in the pset_utils ‘def create_ps_definitions_json(jsonpath):’
the jpsd.Lists stays empty and jpd.List is null.
my guess is it isn’t reading this list info from the json trough the civil_decoder?