Profile view label styles and Marker Styles creating more than one output after running Dynamo Player


I am new to the Dynamo world and have found a lot of great advice on here.

I have created profiles for multiple alignments and making it so I can switch between multiple or selecting certain alignments. The problem I am having after I save it and try to run on Dynamo Player. The Profile View Station Elevation Label Styles and Marker Styles, after I attempt to run it, do not quite work. When I reopen the Dynamo to check them, they have two outputs and give an error. Any thoughts to address this?


This Dynamo may be a little crude as I am learning the ropes of what it can do.

Hi @nathan.dick,

Which version of Civil 3D are you using? And also, which version of Camber do you have downloaded?

13.2.3893.0 Civil 3D 2020.6
Camber v1.0.1

Thanks. I previously noticed this issue when using Civil 3D 2020 and Camber v1.0.0. The intent was to have it fixed in v1.0.1, but apparently I didn’t test thoroughly enough. I’ll take a closer look and try to have a fix as soon as I’m able.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for reporting! :+1:

Here’s the issue on GitHub for tracking purposes.


@nathan.dick this should be fixed in Camber v2.0.0.

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It works great now! Thanks for the work you are doing!

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