Print/save Strings in dynamo to .pdf in my device

that helps a lot, thanks for the screen snip and markings. bless you! :heart_eyes:

Hi Keith,

Thanks a lot for you script. I have been looking on the internet to find a way to also add image of charts to this pdf. But I canā€™t really find anything at the moment.
Would you have an idea ?

I looked here to find some System.Drawing namespaces, I need to dig deeper.

Thanks a lot !


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@keith.sowinski any help on how you would modify your excellent code for multiple file paths and corrosponding string inputs to create a pdf for eachā€¦guessing loop through a list for each but thenā€¦?

Many thanks.

import clr
import System
import math


from System.Drawing.Printing import *
from System.Drawing import Brushes, Font, StringFormat, SizeF, StringAlignment

import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import FilePath

import sys
pyt_path = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib'
import System

run = IN[0]
string = IN[1]
filePaths = IN[2]
ltMargin = IN[3]
rtMargin = IN[4]
tpMargin = IN[5]
btmMargin = IN[6]
font = IN[7]
size = IN[8]

import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import FilePath

output = []

#loops through list for paths

for paths in filePaths:
    #something needed here?

def printPDF():
	pd = PrintDocument()
	pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = "Microsoft Print to PDF"
	pd.PrinterSettings.PrintToFile = True
	pd.PrinterSettings.PrintFileName = paths
	pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = ltMargin
	pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = rtMargin
	pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = tpMargin
	pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = btmMargin
	pd.PrintPage += PrintPageEventHandler(print_page)

#	return file

data = []

#loops through list for strings

for i in string:
      #something needed here?

def print_page(sender, e):
	global i
	fnt = Font(font, size)
	charactersOnPage = clr.Reference[System.Int32]()
	linesPerPage = clr.Reference[System.Int32]()

	e.Graphics.MeasureString(i, fnt, SizeF(e.MarginBounds.Size), StringFormat.GenericDefault, charactersOnPage, linesPerPage)
	e.Graphics.DrawString(i, fnt, Brushes.Black, e.MarginBounds)
	i = i.Substring(charactersOnPage.Value)
	e.HasMorePages = i.Length > 0

if run:
	OUT = printPDF()

Make it into a custom node.

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That was an option that crossed my mind too. Thanks @keith.sowinski, itā€™s appreciated :+1: