Possible to get intersection points between exterior edge of a soild and lines

Hello again wizards, I have been searching all over and can’t seem to find anything. What i am ultimately trying to do is extract the exterior edge of a solid and find if those edges intersect a list of lines. I have attached a sad attempt at a drawing of what i am trying to get. Is this something that is achievable and i am missing something simple?
Intersection Point Example

Is line touches this solid?

Correct. I want to find all points where the line crosses (intersects) the exterior of a solid face. If I have a solid and then a list of lines, I want to find all intersection points where the lines intersect and exterior face of a solid.


First of all good luck with your project!
Firstly, you need to explode your solid to get the surfaces and then run the intersection node. this will give you the intersection point on the solid. If you need to clean the data with empty lists, you can use List.Clean node:

Let me know if you need further help!