Polycurve from Featureline


Does anyone have an idea how I can get a “real” polycurve from a featureline?
As you can see, the existing node does not output all the points/curves.

and if I extract the points and connect them again, then I lose the arcs.

In 2025 it is working with ‘Object.Geometry’ but I need a node which works in 2023.

Hi @genossealex,

As you noted, we did quite a bit of work to make this possible using the Object.Geometry node in Civil 3D 2025.1. Prior to that, I am not aware of a node that will do this.

Hi @zachri.jensen

i have tried Object.Geometry, but it doesn’t work as well as the old one.
If If the feature lines cross without a PI-Point, so that you get the grey ones, then an error occurs.
Same with Featureline.Curve2D.

You can see Civil3D 2023 on the left and 2025 on the right .

Hi @zachri.jensen

I just found this node, but some polycurves are created in 2D.

Thanks very much for flagging this. We’ll work on fixing it.

@zachri.jensen do you perhaps have an alternative idea for now?

I also don’t get the grey PIPoints with the Node “Featureline.PIPoints”.