hello everyone.
how can I take the normal offset of the points in the main line shown in the picture (this is the main line of the road, so I want to make the offset of these points to get the width of the bridge), when I make translate in the x vector, they translate in angle not in normal direction).
Geometry.ClosestPointTo node will return a point on the curve that is tangent to the point provided.
Vector.ByTwoPoints will then produce the tangent direction. You can the use the Geometry.Translate node which contains a direction input to move the points as desired.
when I make a tangent point how can i make vector by two points (if I make vector between the point provided and the new one which i got it from closest point node the result will be zero tangent vector, but I want to move the point perpendicularly) , can you explain that to me.
Based on the limited data you have shared, I assume your points are no yet on your curve, and so closet point to would ensure they were.
If your points are in the curve, Curve.ParamererAtPoint and Curve.CoordinateSystemAtParamerer will give you a coordinate system at each point, which you can use to build points on the C axis to define your widths.