Point cloud data to points data in excel

Hey all, Is it possible to convert point cloud to point’s coordinate data in excel/csv format.

Can anyone suggest me with any software or script to do this.

Please send some more infos, links and screenshots about what you are doing, what you tried with Dynamo and what you found when searching. Packages to deal with point cloud and workflows to send data to Excel already exist.

Many pointcloud formats are plain tabular data that can be read in Excel- such as asc, pts & xyz formats.
They typically contain x, y & z data columns often with other fields such as RGB value, intensity & so on

Dynamo probably isn’t the right tool- try Cloudcompare. It will run in commandline/batch processing mode if you have a lot of repetitive tasks. It also has some excellent tools, such as segmentation, density reduction or meshing of points.

Civil3D has some reasonable tools- depending what you want to do

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